Saturday, April 23, 2011

The French Skinny Finale!

My French Picnic

I had never considered putting up photos of myself for the FSE. But there were so many comments about it, you all changed my mind. I couldn't bring myself to show the before picture. Just pick one of these and imagine it blown up like a helium balloon.

I figured if I was going to do pictures let's have some fun. So I hired James Reese because he is incredibly talented and I knew he would shoot something special. (If you need pictures for anything, he's AMAZING!) I wanted it to have a French vibe so we started at the flower mart in Downtown L.A.

I had never been there before.
So much fun.

I bought a ridiculous amount of flowers.

Remember those black stretchy J. Crew pants?
Wearing them!

Then we were off to my house.

I found this dress at "It's A Wrap."
Somebody wore it on the show Big Love.
I threw on an apron my God daughters gave me.
4 was very shy.

Then we went in search of my boyfriend at Monte Carlo.
He wasn't there.
I waited and waited.
He broke my heart again.

We moved on to shoot some head shots.
This is Hubby's favorite.

At some point James asked me how I felt about The FSE.

This was my answer.

The last thing was My French Picnic above.
It was a spur of the moment inspiration and I think my favorite.

The French Skinny started out as an experiment but has become my lifestyle.

I want to thank all of you for your amazing support.

Merci Beaucoup!

*Oh yeah, I lost that last pound.......One week early.


  1. You look amazing. Congratulations!!

  2. I wish I could write something fab en Francais but I can't, yet. Great job, great blog, so great watching you go through this process - congrats!!!!

  3. Congratulations !!! hoping you will keep your blog going :)

  4. Vous avez l'air incroyable! félicitations! (You look AMAZING! Congratulations!)

    It's been wonderful following you on your journey.

    I hope you keep blogging about how much you are fun you are having. :)

  5. KAREN...YOU LOOK.....WELLL...BEYOND WORDS!!!!SO SO SO BEAUTIFUL....and i mean from the inside out you can tell look at those eyes of your' weight loss in the world or gain for that matter could change the soul/spirit within and let me tell you it is just jumping out of those pictures so beautiful cannot say it enough....what an inspiration you are. and thank you for the pictures...i am thinking a little out of the comfort zone but you did it any way a million thanks!!!!-g

  6. Gorgeous!!!
    All evidence of a successful experiment!

  7. Congratulations, Karen! You are an inspiration!

  8. Karen, you look absolutely beautiful and so joyful. Gorgeous pictures!

  9. Hey Crayon,
    You know I love ya whether you're Muffin-top Mama or Sleek & Sexy Skinny. Your experiment has been an entertaining & inspirational work of art--a gift. Thank you for sharing the journey with us. I’m delighted that the blog and the journey will go on… You are and always have been amazing.
    Congrats little sister, you’re terrific!

  10. Thank you so much everyone!
    And to my big sister, you'll never know how much your words mean to me. My heart is full of happy tears.
    I love you.

  11. Such great pics, such a lovely woman! Congratulations and I hope the blog will continue! <3 Jenn

  12. Karen-you are fabulous inside & out! I'm happy you posted pictures. It has been fun getting to "know you" through your blog experiment. Congratulations on your accomplishments. I know you are French Skinny for life. You are an inspiration. Best of all, you seemed to have had fun along the way!

  13. thanks for the inspirational photos and letting us follow along on your journey!

  14. Thank you so much! When I started this I was hoping there would be more than my mom reading along:) But I totally appreciate that you read along Mom! I'm feeling very supported by everyone.
    Thank you.
    Thank you.
    Thank you.


  15. You look so incredibly beautiful. Your figure, your face... exquisite.

    You look fantastic. You are my inspiration. :)

  16. i love those little black pants. the b&w photos are too fab for words!
