Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mardi Gras

Shaboom sends us her update from Paris, France :

I made quiche for the first time in my life. It's pretty easy actually. I added onions and a little extra cheese but here's the basic recipe.

Les ingrédients :
  • 1 rouleau de pâte feuilletée
  • 3 œufs entiers
  • 30 cl de crème fraîche
  • 25 cl de lait
  • 300 grammes de lardons fumés
  • 150 grammes d’emmental râpé
  • Sel, Poivre, Muscade
In France you can buy your pie crust rolled out and wrapped up which gives you the nice flakey crust. You start by unrolling the crust, placing it into your quiche pan, and piercing it numerous times with a fork to avoid bubbling, which you then put in the oven at 250º celsius for ten minutes until golden brown.

At the same time, you fry up your bacon in a pan on the stove and you remove the grease.

Remove the golden pie crust from the oven and let sit 10 minutes before placing the bacon (and onions if you choose to add) to the bottom, dispersing evenly.

In a mixing bowl, break the 3 eggs and whisk. Add the sour cream and seasoning. Mix. Then add the milk (I do not use milk.)

Pour the egg sour cream mixture over the bacon and add the grated cheese on top. Bake for 30 minutes or more until the cheese starts to harden into an almost brown color, like lasagna.

It's preferable to remove the quiche from the pan after baking and let cool on a baking rack afterwards so as to not keep the liquids in the bottom which makes the crust soggy.

Bon appetit!

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