Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 147 from France:
Mirror Mirror

Shaboom writes to us from Paris, France...

I have no full length mirror. The only mirror I have is over the bathroom sink from which I can only take one step back. This means I have to use PhotoBooth on my Mac in order to see what I look like (when I actually care.)

Usually, as I'm fairly familiar with my wardrobe, this is unnecessary. But then there are some days where insecurity gets the best of you, like today. I wasn't sure if it worked but as I had run out of time and didn't want to be late for my appointment, I left the house dressed like this...


  1. Looking hawt!

    p.s. I *shared* your blog link with Design Mom's blog today, because the topic of today's post was Joie de Vivre, How to feel more French.

    (I had to share my love for your blog!) ; )

  2. Shaboom, you look amazing!

    Karen @ our slo house, we love you:)


  3. If I could send a whistle over the internet I would :)

  4. Of course it works! Now all you need is a cigarette holder and over sized sun hat to really hit it home. ;)
