Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 82 from France:
Happy Hour

Shaboom sends us her update from Paris SoCal...

I got up early and made myself a pot of coffee before dressing for the arctic because I had to drive to Karen's with my top down and it was raining. Fun times.

Karen's hubby made me a DELICIOUS breakfast. I drank a Rockstar with my breakfast and no one judged me. I just wanted to stay there forever. But Karen and I had plans! Off to Smacksy's with 4 and we got to drink lots lots lots of coffee.

We had a nice morning. It was fun watching the two boys play and share and negotiate between themselves. I can't imagine having a child but watching these two fantastic moms balance it with ease gave me less fear of trying.

Smacksy showed me lots of photos of her and Karen when they were pregnant. They were so cute but OMG how does your belly stretch that much?! And yup, that freaked me right back out of any fond notions of having a baby.

Then I got to look at some of their baby photos. Okay, fond notions seeping back in ...a little.

Work, blah blah.
Meeting, blah blah.

BadAss and I had a fun time. We ate, drank and were merry. Then I drove back to the beach to chat a little with ManEater and then we went to bed.

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