Sunday, May 16, 2010

Day 35 From Burbank: Weigh in week 5

Karen sends her posts from Burbank, CA, USA

Weigh in Week 5

Week 1 = 3 pounds
Week 2 = 7 pounds
Week 3 = 2 pounds
Week 4 = 1 pound
Week 5= 1/2 pound
Lost 13 and a 1/2 pounds

Breakfast at my sister in law, Rosalie's, house.
Her pretty calico china.
Coffee with half and half and sugar.

Breakfast was cheese roll from bakery (they let me sample a whole one!)

Fried tortillas and eggs, guacamole, bacon, sausage,salsa, cranberry juice and coffee

Dinner was baguette and gorgonzola cheese.

No stairs.
No walk.
No Hubby.

Good Night.


  1. And now?
    I want chilaquiles and deviled eggs.

  2. Just discovered your blog. I'm intrigued! My problem is, you can't get really good guaca and salsa in Paris (although I did score a jar of Pace's from a friend moving back to the US).

    So those two delicious items are off my Skinny Parisian menu, unfortunately.

    La Mom
    An American Mom in Paris
