Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 2 from France: La Glace (Ice Cream)

Shaboom! here...

Breakfast - Sugar butter lemon crepe. Strawberry yogurt with granola and chocolate chips.

Pineapple. Had 4 pieces of French French Toast (pain perdu) . They're the size of an egg.

Went shopping in Paris. Bought conditioner. BORING.
Walked 4.6 kilometers.

Snack -1 apple

Small glass of wine. Make that 4 sips. Obsessed! spilled my wine all over me. Quelle surprise!

French Kool-Aid (Oasis - just a sip or 8, as I had never tried it before. Holy sweetness, Batman.)

Half a butter lemon crepe.
2 scoops of home-made blueberry ice cream. Delicious!

1 comment:

  1. hahah i like that! "holy sweetness batman!"
    hilarious! this is zanymads daughter, btw. shes dragging me into this hilariously interesting adventure that you all call the french skinny experiment. so, she is also having me read your blog! fun so far, as the adventure begins...
